SAFEYOU at the PINFO Antidoping seminar in Sofia

24-25/1/2018. SAFEYOU team member Dr Barkoukis participated in the “Preventing Doping in Professional and in Grassroots Sport through Education and Investigation” in Sofia, Bulgaria. This high-level 2-day Event brought together representatives from the European Commission and the European Parliament, the member states, the Olympic movement, the civil society organisations and further stakeholders. The event was…


SAFEYOU at the iNADO Workshop 2018

20/3/2018. SAFEYOU team member Dr. Barkoukis presented the project at the iNADO Workshop with the theme of “A Tale of Two Codes (2015, 2021)”, which took place at the Universtiy of Lausanne, Switzerland. The iNADO Workshop takes place annually and targets the specific needs of National Anti-Doping Organisations. The programme content focuses on topics suggested by…


Lecture at a high school in Limassol, Cyprus

4/2018. SAFEYOU project team member Dr Michaelides gave a lecture at a high school in Limassol, Cyprus. He presented the complex nature of doping use in amateur and fitness sports, and addressed the need of doping prevention and control. In addition, he introduced the SAFEYOU project and explained how the project tackles doping through evidence-based…


SAFEYOU at the 10th Aristotle Run

19/5/2018. SAFEYOU team members promoted the ‘stay fit, stay clean’ message to the participants of the 10th Aristotle Run, held in Thessaloniki, Greece. This is a running event organized by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and includes a 5000m run for adults and a 1000m run for children. The purpose of the event is to involve…
