Symposium on “Doping in recreational sports”

17/4/2016 The SAFEYOU team in Greece co-organised with the Students’ Union of the Department of Physical Education and Sport Science a symposium on ‘Doping in recreational sports: Research evidence and educational practices’. The symposium included two sessions. In the first session Prof. Kouidi and Prof. Mougios presented and discussed the health side effects of doping…


The SAFE YOU at the 8th Aristotle Run

14/5/2016. The SAFE YOU team promoted the ‘stay fit, stay clean’ message to the participants of the 8th Aristotle Run, held in Thessaloniki, Greece. This is a running event organised by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and includes a 5000m run for adults and a 1000m run for children. The SAFE YOU teamed up with…


The SAFE YOU+ at the 9th Aristotle Run

13/5/2017 The SAFEYOU+ team promoted the ‘stay fit, stay clean’ message to the participants of the 9th Aristotle Run, held in Thessaloniki, Greece. This is a running event organized by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and includes a 5000m run for adults and a 1000m run for children. The SAFEYOU team distributed leaflets to athletes…


University of Postdam discusses with national stakeholders about doping use in recreational settings

The SAFEYOU partner in Germany, University of Potsdam, published a press release at the German magazine Doping informing athletes and stakeholders interested in doping about the SAFEYOU tool. Mr Tobias Nowack interviewed Dr Domenic Müser from the National Anti Doping Agency (NADA) Germany and Mr Dustin Tusch from DSSV – Employers Association of German fitness and health facilities, and…


University of Potsdam flyer

The University of Potsdam has developed and will distribute to national stakeholders a flyer informing on the SAFEYOU project aims and activities. The prevalence of doping use among gym users and pattern of drug use are presented. The project’s efforts to increase awareness and the development of an online educational tool to prevent doping use…
