Thumbs up for physical activity!

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) physical activity is defined as any bodily movement that involves skeletal muscles and requires the expenditure of energy.

Exercise is defined as structured, planned and systematic physical activity that aims to improve physical fitness and health.

A whole host of scientific evidence has shown that regular physical activity and exercise have multiple psychological and physical health benefits in children, adolescents, young adults, and older adults.

Physical inactivity is the 4th leading risk factor for global mortality rates, causing more than 3 million preventable deaths annually. The lack of physical activity is associated with overweight and obesity, and with risk factors for non-communicable diseases, such as high blood pressure, and high levels of fat in the blood. Most importantly, the WHO estimates that approximately 21-25% of colon and breast cancers are attributed to physical inactivity.

In simple words: Physical activity and exercise save lives!

Where is the problem?

Aside the positive effects of sports and exercise, there exists also a ‘dark side’ associated with the use of doping substances for performance and physique/image enhancement purposes. Such doping substances include hormones like testosterone and growth hormone, as well as a range of other drugs and prescribed medicines that are assumed to improve physique and athletic performance.

The European Fitness Code of Conduct on Anti-Doping recognizes that doping practices in fitness and amateur sport settings can threaten the health of individuals who use doping substances, be threatening to other people in the doping users’ immediate environment, be harmful to the integrity and perception of the fitness sector, affect young people, and is often linked with criminal networks for drug trafficking.

Although professional sports are protected through comprehensive and systematic anti-doping campaigns and education interventions, fitness sports and amateur sports lack these resources.

What can SAFEYOU do about it?

Project SAFEYOU responds to the growing need for

  • Better understanding of the reasons why young exercisers and athletes engage in doping practices.
  • Comprehensive strategies to prevent doping use in competitive and recreational sports, especially among younger populations.
  • Effective anti-doping interventions aiming to protect young athletes and exercisers from doping use.

To learn more about the design, the structure, and the expected outcomes of project SAFEYOU please click on the respective tabs shown above.

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