Presentation of SafeYou at a seminar in Thessaloniki

18/10/2019. Dr Barkoukis presented the SafeYou project at the seminar organised by C.S.I. project, the Greek Anti-Doping Organization and the Greek Association of Exercise Biochemistry and Physiology. The seminar was held in Thessaloniki, and was attended by sport federation representatives, academics and students. The core deliverables of the project were presented and their usefulness in…


SAFE YOU in the Greek parliament

3/3/2016 Mr Mavrotas, member of the Greek parliament with POTAMI, followed the SAFE YOU press release, and motivated him to address the issue in the Greek parliament.  More précised, he stressed whether any action is taken to a) control the import of sport performance-enhancing drugs potentially that are harmful for health, b) control the products…
